Maritime positioning independent of satellite systems using two successive elevations of the sun
Saeed Alipourgildeh * , Ali MOhammadi , Ahnmad Zadeghabadi |
Imam Khomeini University of Maritime Sciences (RA) Nowshahr |
Abstract: (455 Views) |
Ocean navigation relies heavily on the determination of the position of the floating units. In the past, as there was no satellite navigation system, all the floating units in the ocean calculated their position using celestial bodies and the Sun. With the advent of the satellite navigation system, astronomical positioning using celestial bodies has faded and is only limited to the emergency cases where the floating units are unable to use the satellite equipment. On the other hand, we know that one of the biggest weaknesses in determining the astronomical position in the intersection method and the other vector and drawing methods is related to the approximate position or at least the approximate latitude. In this research, the algorithm for determining the position of a moving or stationary observer by measuring two consecutive heights from the Sun has been developed. One of the prominent points in this algorithm is that it does not need the approximate or initial position of the observer to calculate the position. On the other hand, the difference between this research and the other similar researches is how we calculate the Sun position and how accurate our calculation is. The results of this study show that the best results of positioning can be obtained by measuring two consecutive altitudes of the Sun in about 10 to 20 minutes, and the accuracy of this method is about 10-1 minutes. If the applied theoretical method is used and the accuracy of the calculations of the Sun location is increased, it is possible to achieve the optimal accuracy in the astronomical navigation, which paves the way for future research in obtaining the height of the Sun with very accurate methods (except for the sextant).
Keywords: Positioning, Oceanic navigation, Sun, Elevation |
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Type of Study: Research |
Hydrography Received: 2024/01/20 | Accepted: 2024/07/13 | Published: 2024/06/20
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