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Planning of Agricultural Crops Cultivation Using Spatial Optimization Methods (6583 Downloads)
An Enhanced Algorithm based on Radar Interferometry for Monitoring Land Subsidence Caused by Over-Exploitation of Groundwater (4410 Downloads)
The effect of feature selection using genetic algorithms on spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral imagery (3630 Downloads)
Monitoring and predicting spatial-temporal changes heat island in Babol city due to urban sprawl and land use changes (3479 Downloads)
Comparing the efficiency of GA and PSO metaheuristic algorithms in optimal allocation of water to agricultural farms in water scarcity condition (3381 Downloads)
Forecasting Traffic Load using GPS data, a data mining approach (3376 Downloads)
Improvement of Persistent Scatterer Interferometry Algorithm (StaMPS) for Estimation of Deformation Using Periodogram Approach (3376 Downloads)
Accuracy Investigation of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Multivariate Regression (MR) Methods in Landslide Hazard Zonation, Using GIS (Case Study: Marbor River Basin) (3274 Downloads)
Effect of different SRFs on time series of spectral indices, between sentinel-2 and other sensors for the purpose of vegetation land cover monitoring (3200 Downloads)
FFT-PCA Method For Fusing Remote Sensing Imagery (3014 Downloads)
Spatial Analysis of Accidents at the Suburban Intersections Using Kernel Density Estimation and Spatial Autocorrelation Methods (2995 Downloads)
Synergistic Use of LiDAR Data and Aerial Image based on Convolutional Neural Networks for Building Model Recognition (2992 Downloads)
An Online Approach for Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Air Pollution in Tehran using Support Vector Machine (2988 Downloads)
mparison between Two Statistical Processing Methods of Multi-Beam Echo-Sounder Data on Histogram Matching (2983 Downloads)
Using of Markov Chain, MOLA, and Neighborhood filter for developing and increasing the efficiency of Logistic Regression to predict multiple land-use changes, a case study: Tehran (2974 Downloads)
Determining Effective Factors on Forest Fire Using the Compound of Geographically Weighted Regression and Genetic Algorithm, a Case Study: Golestan, Iran (2969 Downloads)
Determination of the Number of Seismotectonic Provinces using Partitioning Clustering of Seismic Data (2871 Downloads)
Spatial modeling of oil exploration areas using adaptive inference systems neuro - fuzzy (ANFIS) in GIS (2846 Downloads)
Route recommendation based on local users’ trajectories (2830 Downloads)
Context-Aware Network Generalization for Optimum-Path Analysis (2819 Downloads)
Multimodal multi-objective route planning using non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II and TOPSIS method (2790 Downloads)
Integration of Visible Image and LIDAR Altimetric Data for Semi-Automatic Detection and Measuring the Boundari of Features (2764 Downloads)
Optimal Spatial Distribution of Sources of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation for Acquiring Best Qualitative Coverage (Using Genetic Algorithms in GIS) (2728 Downloads)
A GIS-bsed Solution for using Hec-HMS Modclark Hydrologic Model in Iran (2720 Downloads)
Modeling growth pattern of urban patches using a patch-growing algorithm based on cellular automata in the Tehran megalopolitan area (2706 Downloads)
Development of a GIS-based model for Locating Urban Neighbourhood and District Centres based on Mixed Land Use Concepts (2703 Downloads)
Forest Biomass Estimation Using SAR and Optical Images (2684 Downloads)
Evaluation of OLI Sensor Data, The Capabilities of ALTA ReflectanceSpectrometerand Using The Concept of Virtual StationsMapping The Distribution of Heavy Metals in Soil (2664 Downloads)
Comprehensive investigation on non-parametric classification methods in order to separate urban objects using the integration of very high spatial resolution LiDAR and aerial data (2659 Downloads)
Presenting A Feature Selection Method Based On Genetic Algorithm and Decision Tree For Classifying Fully Polarimetric SAR Images (2614 Downloads)
Determination of Car Body Deformation due to Collision Using Close-Range Photogrammetry (2612 Downloads)
Generating an Indoor space routing graph using semantic-geometric method (2582 Downloads)
Agent-Based Modeling of Urban Growth With Communications Inspired by Particle Swarm Optimization Algoritm (2545 Downloads)
An investigation of the link between faulting and topography in seismic regions (2512 Downloads)
Global Positioning System (GPS) Acceleration Smoothing (2506 Downloads)
Locating Hospital Centers By an Integration of BWM، DANP، VIKOR and COPRAS Methods (Case Study: Region 1, City of Tehran) (2503 Downloads)
Evaluation of Spectral Reflectance of Iranian Wheat and barley Varieties Canopies at different growth stages using vegetation (2459 Downloads)
An Automatic Algorithm based on Angular Histogram for Corregistartion of Synthetic Aperture Radar Images (2427 Downloads)
Modeling Shallow Groundwater Depth Using Hyperion Hyperspectral Imagery (2397 Downloads)
Studying and Retrieving the Urban Functionalities based on Morphological Analysis (The Studied Function: Responsive Environments) (2396 Downloads)
Derivation daily and high spatial resolution Land Surface Temperature using Fusion of Landsat and Modis Satellite Imagery (2385 Downloads)
A Hybrid Algorithm based on Deep Learning and Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Car Semantic Segmentation from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)-based Thermal Infrared Images (2376 Downloads)
Propose An Algorithm To Improve The Accuracy of Snow Covered Mapping Using MODIS Images (2346 Downloads)
Producing Gravity Acceleration at Sea Surface in Persian Gulf Using Ellipsoidal Splines (2342 Downloads)
Determining the Optimum Position of Boreholes, Using Hyperion Image and Neural Networks Method (2320 Downloads)
Remote sensing analysis of the extent and severity of oak decline in Malekshahi city, Ilam, Iran (2314 Downloads)
Prioritizing Underground Storage Tanks of Natural Gas Using GIS and TOPSIS (2311 Downloads)
Zoning of Disaster Management Support Bases of Region One of Tehran Municipality using Weighted LinearCombination in GIS Environment (2303 Downloads)
Traffic Jams Detection based on the GPS Trajectories Extracted from Volunteered Geographic Information (2301 Downloads)
Combining Neural Network with Genetic Algorithm for prediction of S4 Parameter using GPS measurement (2299 Downloads)
Total Sum: 497384

نشریه علمی-پژوهشی مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات مکانی Engineering Journal of Geospatial Information Technology
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