Difference between geometrical data (dimensions and area) of parcels in cadastral title and cadastral map are motive for geometrical map distortions after geo-referencing. These distortions occur due to traditional surveying methods or environmental effects in maintenance of maps. Because of legal and financial complexities of cadastral maps compared with other map types, conflict between map and title makes social and legal problems. Therefore objective of this paper is recommend a method to decrease distortions of cadastral map through matching geometrical data of parcels in cadastral map with cadastral documents. Recommended solution for this objective is using finite element transformation method. In this method control points constraint parcels dimensions and area constraint simultaneously convenient weights are added to continuity constraint and solved as a parametric listsquare .This process is implemented for two hardcopy maps and their title data then residuals decreased to a very low level. tests shows that RMSE of dimension improved from 65 cm to 1.2 cm, RMSE of area improved from 8.10 square meter to 0.0003 square meter and control points RMSE reduced from 1.12 meter to 0.65 meter.
Ramezani A, Saadat seresht M. Increase corresponding cadastral maps with geometrical data of land titles using finite element transformation method. jgit 2016; 4 (2) :123-137 URL: http://jgit.kntu.ac.ir/article-1-245-en.html