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:: Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2017) ::
jgit 2017, 4(4): 21-32 Back to browse issues page
Producing atmospheric pressure profile based on Hydrostatic hypothesis and using MODIS termal images
Hamidreza Haji gholami * , Mohammad reza Mobasheri , Majid Rahimzadegan
K.N.Toosi University of Technology
Abstract:   (4229 Views)

Measurements of pressure profile at limited number of  points on the surface are performed by the Radiosonde on a routine basis. Numerical weather forcasting needs more data as input. Producing pressure profile at different geopotential heights in the atmospheric is important in atmospheric circulation study and weather forecasting.  The data used in this research are: Radiosonde data, MODIS satellite images and surface pressure. Pressure profile is extracted using hydrostatic equation that is based on the assumption of small vertical movements. This research consists of two parts, in  the first part hydrostatic model has been evaluated based on stability index and use of Radiosonde data, In The next part, pressure profile was calculated at different geopotential height using MODIS temperautre, moisture profiles and MODIS surface pressure. The average RMSE between Radiosonde calculated profiles and MODIS data  was 0.4 and 1 milibar, respectively. The results acquired from the Hydrostatic models  have a logical conformity with the one from the radiosonde measurements in both stable and unstable atmospheric conditions. The results show that by having surface pressure layer and temperature and moisture profile, one can calculate atmospheric pressure precisely in different altitudes using Hydrostatic model. The amount of uncertainties are provided in a table.

Keywords: Pressure profile, Hydrostatic atmosphere, MODIS, Remote sensing
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Subject: RS
Received: 2016/04/19 | Accepted: 2016/05/30 | Published: 2017/04/3
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haji gholami H, Mobasheri M R, Rahimzadegan M. Producing atmospheric pressure profile based on Hydrostatic hypothesis and using MODIS termal images. jgit 2017; 4 (4) :21-32
URL: http://jgit.kntu.ac.ir/article-1-264-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 4 (3-2017) Back to browse issues page
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