Ocean tides cause noticeable aliasing errors in the gravity field from single pair space-borne graimetric
missions like GRACE. Several studies about future gravity missions have shown that constellations with two
or more GRACE-like tandems can lead to a significant reduction of aliasing error from all kinds of highfrequency
signal sources. Despite such reduction, tidal aliasing will remain an error source still. This study
investigates the efficiency of tidal error dealiasing in the post-processing mode for such future dualpair
missions. To that purpose, we analyze the way a certain satellite mission sampling each tidal constituent.
Given the repeat orbit patterns and the observation time span, we examine and model the aliasing periods and
amplitudes constitute by constitute. Results show that a double-pair formation has de-aliasing function
comparing to a single-pair formation in terms of distribution and amplitude of ocean tide aliasing error. With
least-square (LS) estimation, the aliasing error can be reduced significantly.
ghasser mobarakeh F, Iran Pour S, Amiri-Simkooei A, Nafisi V. Impact of GRACE inline and Bender gravity satellite missions on
the tidal components errors de-aliasing of N2 and S2. jgit 2017; 5 (1) :65-87 URL: http://jgit.kntu.ac.ir/article-1-425-en.html