Detection of areas with severely eroded soils using Sentinel-1 interferometric SAR coherence (Study area: Khuzestan province)
Somayeh Ebrahimzadeh , Masoud Soleimani , Sara Atarchi * , Mehdi Saadat Novin , Hassan Shabanian  |
University of Tehran |
Abstract: (2085 Views) |
Soil erosion has devastating and irreversible consequences for human life. Hence, supportive measures are necessary to reduce and control soil erosion in the most affected areas. Achieving this goal requires detecting severely soil-eroded areas (SSEA), because it is not possible to implement supportive measures throughout the area. Detection of SSEA using field-based methods is very difficult, costly, and faces various limitations. To deal with it, taking advantage of remote sensing data capabilities has been widely attention today. The interaction of the radar signal with the surface roughness changes can be evaluated through Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) coherence changes. In fact, soil erosion causes the movement of soil particles and decreases InSAR coherence. Accordingly, the aim of this study is to detect SSEA in Khuzestan province as one of the areas with high soil erosion rates using a processed time series of Sentinel-1 InSAR coherence from 2018 to 2020. The map of SSEA was obtained by detecting and excluding other effective factors causing InSAR coherence reduction, such as water, vegetation, and topography. Validation of the results based on comparison with the valid soil erosion map of the study area revealed that 86% of SSEA detected by the proposed method are consistent with the ground reality. Also, the compatibility of SSEA with the genus and resistance of different geological formations in the region emphasizes the validity of the results.
Keywords: Soil Erosion, Remote Sensing, InSAR, Coherence, Sentinel-1 |
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Type of Study: Research |
RS Received: 2022/06/10 | Accepted: 2023/11/12 | Published: 2023/12/21
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